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Spinach roulade with soufflé of sejfilet

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Spinach roulade with soufflé of sejfilet

Spinach roulade bottoms: (approximately 4 bottoms)
1dlEgg whites
1000gFillets of saithe
2500gEntire-leaved spinach (frost)
4dlCrème fraiche 38%

Instructions for Spinach roulade with soufflé of sejfilet

To prepare the Spinach roulade with soufflé of sejfilet recipe, please follow these instructions:

Spinach roulade bottoms: the spinach be thawed and knuges free of moisture, then chop it in a blender. Eggs whipped foamy. Egg foam and the pureed spinach mix well. This mass is distributed on 4 PCs. wax paper where the edges are folded up (it must fit the saucepan to the stove)

Ovntemp: 180 ° c
Baking time: 15 minutes

Soufflé of sejfilet: Sejfilet blended with salt to firm texture. Then add the egg white, and runs smooth forcemeat soufflé. Fitted with crème fraiche 38% and cream, until you obtain a creamy texture. Soufflé forcemeat ironed out on spinach bottoms with a spatula, then rolled it along like a roulade and be wrapped in cling film. Spinach rouladen are prepared in the oven

Ovntemp: 180 ° c
Baking time: about 15 minutes.

Serving: can be served as an appetizer, or as an independent summer dish and can be varied with different bread types.