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Sønderjysk cabbages (Old daws cabbages)

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Sønderjysk cabbages (Old daws cabbages)

White pepper
2000gWhite cabbage
3dlWhipped cream
3tspSalt per liter of boiling water

Instructions for Sønderjysk cabbages (Old daws cabbages)

To prepare the Sønderjysk cabbages (Old daws cabbages) recipe, please follow these instructions:

Share white cabbage in 4-8 pieces. Remove the outer coarse leaves and stalk. Came the cabbage in water, add salt and cook the good tender, it takes about 1 hour.

Take the cabbage up into a sieve and let it drip. Twisting the cabbage-free water in clean tea towels.

Click kålmassen once through kødmaskinen.

Melt the butter in a thick-bottomed pan and add the cabbage. Stir in the cream, so much that the cabbage has a suitable thickness. It must be as a quite thick stew. Hot cabbage through at low heat. If the heat is too strong, burning cabbage at. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground white pepper.

BYD kåle to sidestep, bacon or breakfast sausage with mustard and pickled beetroots.