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Macro lenses

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1

Ingredients for Macro lenses

125gIcing sugar
150-175gEgg whites (about 5 PCs.)
200gBitter mass (marzipan)
250gWheat flour

Instructions for Macro lenses

To prepare the Macro lenses recipe, please follow these instructions:

The macro mass: Mass and sugar worked together. Whites added gradually, and it all be worked out for the mass is smooth.

The whole puzzle together with your hands to batter is smooth; made on ice in an hour or two.

Linsedej rolled out on a floured board to 3 mm thickness, set out with glass or laying out approximately 1 cm larger than the form to be used (aluforme is excellent). Lens dough should fill the bottom and put 1 cm up along the edge. A little raspberry jam greased on bottom and then approximately a teaspoon. cake cream on top which also greased out. Raspberries and cream covered then by macro mass. Narrow strips of linsedej be laid in a pattern on the cake. Bake at 170-175 gr in ca. 20-25 min. until golden. Taken out of the molds while they are warm, and be made to cool on a rack.