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Letsprængt wild duck

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Letsprængt wild duck

2Bay leaves
4Breast of wild duck (possibly berberi duck)

Instructions for Letsprængt wild duck

To prepare the Letsprængt wild duck recipe, please follow these instructions:

Bring water, salt, sugar, thyme, Bay leaves and peppercorns to a boil. Refrigerate the brine, pour the brine over the breasts. Covered with foil and put in the fridge for about 6 hours.

The breasts should be turned a couple of times, if they are not completely covered by the brine.

(bed sheet can be met in a frost bag with breasts, and soak up the air out of the bag, which tied a knot on the bag, this saves you time, know that you should not turn the pieces by less amount of pickle.) DUP the breasts, brown them and let them Cook further on a low heat for 15 minutes on each side. Let them rest for 10 minutes. Under the foil.

Sauce: Toast 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard in a pan with a little oil, add 2 dl. Duck broth, boil up under stirring add 2 dl. cream, and cook into the creamy consistency, season with salt and pepper.

Råsyltet Cranberry: (other berries can be used URf.eks. lingonberries and blackberries) 3 parts cranberry (frozen), 1 – 1 ½ part sugar, depending on taste, place in a bowl. Put in microwave oven at 850 w, must have for it begins to boil up, then stir that around, set in again and give ½-1 my sugar is dissolved, add more if necessary. 2-4 cl rum or cognac, then to cool.

Cream horseradish: whipped cream with grated horseradish, the amount of horseradish, is determined by how strong you would cream peberroden.
The breast cut into slices and served on the plate with the sauce and roast potatoes. Råsyltet Berry added a little on your plate and garnish with a little cream horseradish.