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Kartoffelgulyás 02

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Kartoffelgulyás 02

1Green bell pepper
1-2cloveFinhakket garlic
2tbspWine vinegar
2-3tspMild paprika
2-4tbspCrème fraîche or whipping cream
250gFinhakket onions
3-4Peeled tomatoes
750gSmall cooked pillekartofler

Instructions for Kartoffelgulyás 02

To prepare the Kartoffelgulyás 02 recipe, please follow these instructions:

Sauté onion and garlic in oil, finhakket until onions are clear, but has not taken any significant color. Sprinkle paprika over and let it sear a little vinegar and add the broth with.. Make peberfrugten able and cut it into cubes. Peel the tomatoes by dipping them first in boiling water, then in cold water. So is the skin to peel off. Halve the tomatoes and scrape seeds out as possible. Then slice the tomato flesh cubes in sm. Put bell peppers, tomatoes and potatoes in the Pan and let simmer 10 munutter Court. Add the crème fraîche or whipping cream. The Court let simmer a few minutes more. Flavor it with salt, pepper and paprika if necessary. Add a little more broth if the Court seems too thick.