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K dream cake

Cakes in form
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 10

Ingredients for K dream cake

Cocoa aftertaste
1pkgReady-made vanilla custard
2tspBaking soda
2tspVanilla sugar
250gIcing sugar
250gDairy butter
4tspWheat flour
75gPotato flour

Instructions for K dream cake

To prepare the K dream cake recipe, please follow these instructions:

eggs and sugar whipped fluffy the rest of the ingredients pour into greased springform charged put in cold oven at 180 degrees (C) has been made. alm. oven bake for about 45 min.

Fill: icing sugar and butter is stirred white then mix vanilla cream and cocoa in.

When the cake is cold, shared it in the 2-3 layer and summed up with the stuffing. also a little fill without butter on the whole cake.

The cake is very suitable for freezing

If the cake must be frozen, it might be a good idea ' to share it up in serving pieces, so it's easy to take the number of items you need to use up. the cake can be eaten soon after it is taken out of the freezer. BREW a good cup of coffee and enjoy the delightful cake for-COMFORT