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Green langkål from Vendsyssel

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4 person(s)

Ingredients for Green langkål from Vendsyssel

Kale for buns (1 ½ muffin per person)
Lightly salted streaky pork
Breakfast sausage
Salted ribs
5dlWhipped cream

Instructions for Green langkål from Vendsyssel

To prepare the Green langkål from Vendsyssel recipe, please follow these instructions:

Green cabbage ribbes and rinsed well. blanceres in salted water for a few minutes.

The blancerede and washed the cabbage cooked in soup/broth from salted striped pork/medister/ribs, which helps to give green cabbage taste. The cabbage is cooked approximately 45 minutes and allow to cool.

With his hands molded the cabbage for round buns. Dough balls chopped with a knife and is shaped to round buns again.

Curly kale buns warmed in saucepan or frying pan in cooking fat from sulet. Add milk and cream, a little salt, sugar and possibly a little vinegar at will.

Server green langkålen with pork/medister/ribs, fresh baked bread, mustard and beetroot sight.

for 4 persons, approx. 1.5 kg. Kale without stick but not ribbed.