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Great English Apple ovenex cake

Desserts (warm)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Great English Apple ovenex cake

0.5Orange grated skrall thereof
150gWheat flour

Instructions for Great English Apple ovenex cake

To prepare the Great English Apple ovenex cake recipe, please follow these instructions:

Butter a baking dish well with butter.

Peel the apples and cut them into boats or large cubes. The apples came in a heat-proof serving dish-sprinkle some raisins and grated orange peel over together with sugar and cinnamon.

Topping: Si flour and sugar into a bowl. cut the butter into small pieces and it came down in the bowl.

Now shall the hands in use, rub the butter, sugar and flour together until it resembles breadcrumbs. Come on cinnamon in and mix it well.

Came the mixture on top of the apples.

To bake in the oven at about 180 degrees c. alm. oven for about 40 minutes or until it is golden.

Serve with whipped cream or creme fraiche.

Raisins and orange peel can be omitted. Skrælen provides, however, a real fresh orange flavor.

You can also do it with other fruits-URf.eks. Pears-prunes or frozen strawberries and raspberries.