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Filone broke

Bread, buns & biscuits
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 2 bread

Ingredients for Filone broke

a littleOil
200gDurummel, fin
50gDurummel, rough
700gTipo 00 flour

Instructions for Filone broke

To prepare the Filone broke recipe, please follow these instructions:

Stir the yeast into the water, add flour and salt and knead it to a smooth dough. Bring the dough into a bowl greased with oil, turn it around so that there is oil all over it. Pour into the refrigerator for six to eight hours until the dough is raised.

Put the dough on a flour-sprinkled table and cut it into 2 elongated pieces. Vibrate them anymore yet, but at the same time they are angry and pointed at each end. Place them on baking paper on two baking plates. Sprinkle thickly with the pastel, cut a long slice of bread. Let the loaves raise the honey to double size for a good hour.

Behind 250 degrees the first 10 minutes. Throw a cup of water into a frying pan at the bottom of the oven while inserting the loaves. Lower the heat and behind them finished at 200 degrees approx. 20 minutes.