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Deep fried squid

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1

Ingredients for Deep fried squid

Sea salt
Corn flour
Olive oil
Small squids

Instructions for Deep fried squid

To prepare the Deep fried squid recipe, please follow these instructions:

Peppercorns and salt is poured into a mortar and crush. The squid cut into small pieces, body cut into rings. Mix pepper, salt and flour well in a bag and pour the squid pieces therein. Swing the bag around, until the pieces are covered with melblandingen. Warm oil in a high forehead or a saucepan. Put a single ring in the oil to see if the oil some gruel is up and thus is warm enough. Put the rest in when they swell and become pink, they are finished. Take the pieces up and serve with fresh lemon juice.