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Dad's Buttermilk Pancakes

Desserts (warm)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4 portion(s)

Ingredients for Dad's Buttermilk Pancakes

1tspBicarbonate of soda
2tbspMelted butter
500gWheat flour

Instructions for Dad's Buttermilk Pancakes

To prepare the Dad's Buttermilk Pancakes recipe, please follow these instructions:

Sieve the flour into a mixing bowl. eggs, salt and bicarbonate of soda in and starts his whips while pouring sour milk in in a tyns Ray, passport to further batter doesn't get too thick, then climbs it up around the beaters. When the dough is smooth and sleek touched they touched 2 tbsp melted butter in the Pan is hot, melts. when a small dollop of margarine in the Pan, pour about 1 ½ cups batter on (it fits a 28 cm frying pan) and distribute the batter evenly throughout the pan. (A stainless steel opøseske, incidentally, contains kammel 1 ½ dl.) When there are no longer shiny patches of batter on the top side, invert the pancake with a palette knife and bake approx. 1 min., on the other hand, so both sides are golden. Finally lirker to the pancakes onto a serving dish and cover them with a mini trangia. Serve with sugar, syrup or jam.

I'm even lucky enough to have one of the good old flat mini trangia so I put it down over the forehead and lashes with a snap pancake onto it, and then I with a quick wrist movement lashes pancake onto the dish. -It's a real old-fashioned recipe that was used in my childhood in 40-years.