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Apple slices without milk

Desserts (warm)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Apple slices without milk

0.5tspBicarbonate of soda
240gGluten-free flour (semper finmix)
4dlSoy milk naturel
50gMelted lactose free margarine

Instructions for Apple slices without milk

To prepare the Apple slices without milk recipe, please follow these instructions:

Whisk liquid and remaining ingredients well, except the egg whites. Let the dough rest for ½ hour. Whip the whites until very stiff and turn them into the dough.

Hot æbleskive pan up. Pour 1 teaspoon of fat in each hole. Fill the holes nearly up with dough. Turn them with a kødpind, as soon as they have formed crust and is light brown. There must be so much liquid batter to Apple slices can form the Arch on the other side. Turn all the time Apple slices, so they will be evenly baked.