Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water, milk or cream

Mains Meat extracts Flour Pepper ...

The phases are picked and cleaned. If the birds are not quite fresh and some displaced, they should be placed in vinegar for a few hours and then in milk for 1 day. On the other hand, they are freshly cooked, they are cooked with salt and pepper, after which t

Lunch Handful cherry tomatoes (ca. 10-12) Eggs Water, milk or cream ...

Place the tomatoes on a pan in a little bit of fat and set aside. Spray if necessary. With a little vegetable broth. The eggs are whipped together with a fork and added liquid and a little salt and poured on the forehead under low heat. When the omelet is s

Mains Beef broth Paprika Pepper ...

Paste the casserole.The chops are cut into small tern and swirled on a pan together with the bacon in a little bit of fat. Beef is chopped with .Come meat bacon and onions in a pan and add chopped tomatoes, tomato paste, chinese soy, beef bouillon and pasta pa

Mains Pepper Salt Water, milk or cream ...

Kapunerne istandgøres, the legs can be removed. French bread crust and soaked in milk is freed from 15 minutes, it's not really mopped up frahældes. The fat is melted and afbages with bread crumb, the Pan is lifted by the fire, and in bread dough is stirred