Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with The juice from the lemon 1/2

Salads A large cluster of flat-leaf parsley A large tuft Mint Pine nuts or other nuts ...

Boil the bulgus in chicken stock as directed. Cool. Mix a dressing of oil, tomato paste, crushed garlic and lemon juice. Chop tomato, pepper, cucumber and onion nicely and mix. Chop mint and and parsley and come into the vegetable mix. It's important that t

Desserts (cold) 1 tbsp. coconut oil The juice from the lemon 1/2 Coconut milk, full fat ...

1. Blend strawberries into small pieces or a pure in your food processor / blender. Pour the mass into a bowl while the rest is made. 2. Blend the coconut milk (without strawberries). It is important that it is full fat, otherwise the coconut is just mixed up

Cakes in form The juice from the lemon 1/2 Cinnamon Raisins ...

Eggs and sugar are whipped together. Carrots, nuts, cinnamon, raisins and lemon come in. Mix everything well. Come arrowow in. Whip egg whites stiff and turn them in the dough gently. Pour the dough into a form coated with baking paper. Bake it in the middle o