Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sweet soy sauce to taste

Mains Broccoli EVS. 1 clove of garlic Curry ...

Blot dry, seasoned meat on both sides with pepper and Curry and Brown then in the butter for 1 minute on each side by good heat. Turn down to medium heat and fry them 4-5 minutes on each side. Koteletterne seasoned with salt and keep warm, if possible. on a

Sides EVS. 1 clove of garlic Salt Sweet soy sauce to taste ...

Cut the broccolien in bouquets. The greatest bouquets halved, so the size will be uniform. Peberfrugten cut into strips. Pour the oil on the forehead by excessive heat and add the vegetables, ginger and pressed garlic. Turn it all so it will be blended and