Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Parsley-minced

Mains Pepper Salt Large Eggplant ...

Cook the pasta in a pan with plenty of water until it is just tender. Drainage and got it back in the pan. While the pasta is boiling, chopped olives and Aubergine cut into small cubes. Heat the oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Saute the garlic for 30 second

Mains Garlic-halved Olive oil Parsley-minced ...

Let garlic feddet pull in oil in a small bowl. Cook raviolien. Raviolien onto the in a sieve and place back into the pan. Add the butter and seasonings and stir. Season with salt and pepper. Remove the garlic from the oil and pour the oil over sleeping the pas

Mains Pepper Salt Eggplant ...

Cut the mushrooms into slices and Aubergine into cubes. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the vegetables with garlic in 4 min. Add the lightly crushed tomatoes with wetness and let the sauce simmer under mrøring for 15 minutes While the sauce is boiling, bo