Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Mozarella cheese

Mains Mozarella cheese Chili Peeled tomatoes ...

Cut the sausages into the tern and chop the onions nicely. Sweat onion and sausages. Add 1 tuna tomato sauce and 1 raw chilli, simmer the dish. When the dish has simmered for about 10 minutes add a can of peeled tomatoes. Let the dish boil and then add t

Mains Basil Chili pepper Olive oil ...

Start by setting the pasta to boil. The aubergines come in the oven at approx. 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. They are peeled and blended with pine nuts, rye flour and lemon juice as well as salt and pepper. Are they hard to peel, you can give the aubergines

Appetizers Virgin olive oil Breadcrumbs Red onion ...

Slice the breads into 3 equal parts and then cut them through. Heel virgin olive oil on a pan and turn the oven to 200 degrees. Step the bread on the forehead until golden. Cut while tomatoes in the tern (remove meat and kernels), chop red onions in smal

Appetizers Basil Cherry tomatoes Good pesto (Basil) ...

Grate toast slices and butter them with a good layer of pesto. cut them through on the bias so it turns into 2 triangles, and then put them on a plate. Inserts mozarellaen into slices, and place 2 slices on each piece of toast. cut the cherry tomatoes throug

Mains Milk The finished pizza dough into 2 round pizaer a 28 cm in diameter approximately or 1 baking pan Ruccola salad ...

Make pizza dough according to instructions on package. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Tube philadelphia cheese out of milk. Benefit the mass of pizza dough. Slice the tomatoes and mozarella cheese in slices and put it on the pizza dough. behind the pizza in

Mains Fresh chives Oil Pasta (preferably penne or macarroni) ...

Cook the pasta in a large pot with salted water. Well it's finished, com 1 clobber oil on a pan and lied in small pieces. Cut the mozzarella cheese into small cubes and the tomatoes in half. Well's is brunedet, got pasta and tomatoes in. Turn in 2 minutes and

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Cut the fillet from the back. Keep the ribs on the fillet. Use tenderloin. 2: FATHER: blend the 300 grams of meat with salt, pepper, whole eggs, cream and a little truffle. Cut a pocket in the fillet and put stuffing into the meat using an icing bag. Grilling