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Recipes with Easy mayonnaise

Mains The dough is mixed and printed out in a small pie dish Pre-baked at 200 degrees about 15 mins Pepper ...

The squash slices are shaken slightly on a dry forehead. Gedeosten is distributed on the baked pie - then put squash slices and tomato slices in turn on top of the cheese. Sprinkle with a little salt, pepper and thyme and back in the oven for approx. 15 min.

Sauces Pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

Stir mayonnaise and yum together. Add chopped chopped, chopped parsley, finely chopped mustard or chopped garlic, dijon mustard, peppers and peas. Season the sauce with salt and pepper. Serving it to the meat.

Mains Pepper Salt Cooked cooled broccoli (use also the stick) ...

1/3 of broccoli is chopped roughly and the remaining 2/3 blended and mixed with the coarsely chopped broccoli. Whip eggs, yoghurt, mayonnaise, flour and milk together and season with salt and pepper. Mix the egg mixture with the broccoli mix and pour it int

Lunch A few drops of tabasco Paprika Curry ...

Pass the eggs across and remove the flowers. Squeeze the flowers through a sieve and stir them up with mayonnaise and spices. Fill the egg yolk in the egg whites with a teaspoon or a spray bag. Decorate with paprika.

Cakes Floating sweet Nougat essence Salt ...

Whip water, flour and mayonnaise well together. Pour it into a small saucepan and whisk under a mild heat to a solid flour bowl. Take the pot off the heat. Stir the battered egg into the pulp, but only a little at a time. Add salt, liquid sauce and baking soda

Cakes in form A small teaspoon sweet Bicarbonate of soda Allspice ...

The rhubarbs are cut into small pieces and blended with eggs without the rhubarb being completely mast. Stir the rest of the ingredients in. Fill the dough into muffin molds. Bake approx. 25 minutes at 190 degrees C. alm. oven.

Salads Chives Sugar Vinegar ...

The boiled potatoes are cut into slices or cubes. The lid is peeled, the apple is peeled, and both are cut into cubes. All the ingredients are mixed and placed on a dish. Lightly mix mayonnaise and whole milk and season the spices. The dressing is tasted. The

Salads Pepper Sour cream 9% Dijon mustard ...

The potatoes are cut into cubes. The radians are cut in quarters. The spring bulbs are cut. The vegetables are mixed. Ingredients for dressing are mixed and stirred in. The potato salad is decorated with leaf celery cut into small cubes.