Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Dumplings

Soups Meatballs Dumplings Pepper ...

Bring the chicken in a soup with water and bring the saucepan to the boil. Foam the soup. The vegetables are cleaned and served whole in the soup with the leafy leaves, but only when the soup is skimmed off. Let the soup simmer for low heat for 2-3 hours. P

Soups EVS. Salt Soup may and soup herbs Time kråser: heart, gizzard, liver, neck and wings of 1 duck, goose, hen or 3-4 chicks ...

The cleaned kisses, close to the heart and liver, are covered with boiling water and boiled with spices and soup approx. 1 1/2 hour. Herbs, hearts and liver boils with 1/2 hour in the end. The soup is said from. Apple boats and prunes are barely cooked in the

Soups Apples Elderberry Dumplings ...

Shelf-bearing poured into a saucepan, then water is filled in, only the same load is covered. When starting and boiling, cut apples and pear in slices and mix up with cloves and finally the melbles are stuffed. (Remember and even so it gets the thickness you

Mains Meatballs Dumplings Water ...

Cut the bacon into pieces and put the bacon in the pan to make the soup. Once you have fried the bacon, put the water in and all the vegetables. Let it boil and boil and let it boil for 3 minutes. When cooked, take meat and flour rolls and let it boil for 4

Soups Potatoes Beef broth Meatballs ...

The potatoes peeled and cut into rough cubes. Potatoes and broth to the boil and cook the potatoes are almost tender. Add soup herbs meat and dumplings and let them cook for a few minutes. Season with salt and pepper, but be careful with the salt because th

Soups Apples Mixed roots Vinegar ...

To Kraasemaden falls: Neck, the outer Joints of the wings, Hjærte, liver and Gizzard and the head and Feet. On the feet starts to boiling water, the yellow Membrane of flaades and afbrækkes Clutches; Head split and cleaned, Hjærnen and Eyes taken out, Tongue s

Soups EVS. grate up, horseradish sauce Soup herbs Soup may ...

It washed meat covered with water. The soup to the boil, lightly peppered and added herbs and soup may. The meat is cooked slowly, covered, approx. 2 ½ hour. The soup is strained and season. The shredded herbs, flour and meatballs warmed in the soup that ca

Soups Potato flour or maizenamel to jævning of the soup Lemon peel thereof Paragraph cinnamon ...

Elderberry rinsed well under continuous water. Elderberry, water and spices brought to the boil, and boil gently, covered, for 20 minutes. The juice is filtered from, sweetened with sugar. Add the apples which are peeled and cut into smaller pieces. Let the so