Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Cream cheese URf.eks. Philadelphia

Appetizers Taco chips Chopped avocado Garlic ...

The entrée is a layer-sharing all of the ingredients in order of use. order: 1 layer: sour cream, cream cheese and garlic mixes together. 2. Chop the tomato flesh and layers: came the upstairs. 3. layer: getting the chopped avocado on 4. layers: getting the ch

Lunch Lemon juice Garlic Olive oil ...

The humus to taste with lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper. Cut the Aubergine into slices, about half a centimeter thick, and fry them on a fluted pan. Butter cheese on the bread, put sliced tomatoes on top and pour a little olive oil over T