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Recipes with Chopped beetroot

Mains A raw egg yolk A toast or a slice of French bread EVS. additional grillkryderi ...

Turn on the grill. Lubricate if necessary. Grill grill with a little oil. Grease the chopped meat on the bread. Season with salt and pepper and possibly. With additional spice according to taste. When the barbecue is ready, the paris steak comes on the grill,

Salads Lettuce head, shredded Pickled capers Boiled potatoes into slices ...

Put all the ingredients on a dish and pour a favorite marinade over, preferably with horseradish.

Lunch Pepper Salt Eggs ...

The beef should be of a good quality and only be chopped once. Forcemeat is added into a bowl and it diced in all, got water and eggs in and stir it all through, but not so it will be cool. Form 4 square steaks directly on bread slices and fry them with the

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped beetroot ...

Mix all ingredients for the filling. Sprinkle steaks with salt and pepper. Favor filling on one half of the steak and put the other half over. Keep with kødnåle. Fry the steaks in butter 1-2 minutes on each side.