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Recipes with Boiled new potatoes

Sides Garlic Olive oil Chives ...

Boil the potatoes generally and pil them. Let them cool while the marinade is being made. Mix the olive oil with coarsely chopped piripiri, chives and crushed garlic. The potatoes are turned into marinade and shaken over direct heat for approx. 30 min.

Salads Oil Egg yolk Leek ...

Mix mustard, egg yolk and vinegar.Taste the oil, first dropwise, then in a thin, even beam while stirring. Put cold. Tear the salad into pieces and put it on a large dish. Put sliced ​​potatoes, spinach, roast beef and tomatoes in both groups upstairs. Put the

Mains Lemon juice Olive oil Pepper ...

Slice the potatoes and onions in slices and cut sugar peas. Heat the oil in a wok or frying pan. Grate the onions in my 3-4. Add the potatoes and sugar peas and grille for everything is hot. The peas should still trade a little crispy. Add lemon juice and

Mains Fresh herbs to taste Pepper Salt ...

The meat Pat the meat dry with paper towels. Season with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a frying pan at good heat. Brown the meat on all sides quickly. Put the meat in a baking dish. Butter the meat on the top side with pesto and style it in a cold oven. Tu