Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Ansjosfiletter

Mains Pasta-salad Pepper Salad ...

Turn on the grill Got the beef tyndstegen on the grill at a moderate heat 6-10 cm. from the coals depending on how hot the grill is. Turn the roast regularly. It can also be fried on spid. Using the thermometer must achieve a core temperature be 55-60 de

Soups Fresh ginger Parsley Water ...

Portion the vegetables into suitable pieces-not more than 1 tablespoon. Leeks, garlic, parsley, potatoes, ginger, chillies, lentils, bouillon cubes and water cooker, covered, along with half of the parsley (However, all stems) for about 30 minutes in a larg