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Yorkshire pudding

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Yorkshire pudding

Sunflower oil
115gWheat flour

Instructions for Yorkshire pudding

To prepare the Yorkshire pudding recipe, please follow these instructions:

Yorkshirepuddingerne be made in the form. Pour a half centimeter of oil in each hole. Set the form into a larger baking pan and place it into a 230 degree C. alm. oven. It is important that the oil is hot when you pour the dough in.

For the dough, beat the flour, eggs, milk and salt together well, so there are no lumps. If the dough is allowed to stand a day, becomes yorkshirepuddingerne larger and lighter, but you can get almost the same effect by adding a little extra flour to the dough.

When the oil is smoking hot, pour the dough quickly up into the holes with a øseske. If the oil gets cold, falls yorkshirepuddingerne together. When the dough is spread, they bake in 35 minutes, or until dark Golden.