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Triangles-Wiener Triangle

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Triangles-Wiener Triangle

1.5dlCold water
100gPure raw marzipan (odense)
15gButter or margarine
2Egg yolks
300gWheat flour

Instructions for Triangles-Wiener Triangle

To prepare the Triangles-Wiener Triangle recipe, please follow these instructions:

The dough: Stir the yeast into the cold water. Beat the egg yolks, salt, and sugar in the 15 g fats smulder, in the flour and mix it with gærvæden. Knead the dough well and let it rest 15 minutes.

Put the margarine between 2 parchment paper or plastic foil and roll it into a square approximately 20 x 20 cm. make sure that the edges are as straight as possible.

Roll out dough into a large square plate approx. 45 x 45 cm.

Place the rolled dough in half on the bias of margarine, bend the four corners of the dough toward the Center. Then roll the dough out. Back and forth and from side to side. Fold the dough in 3 layers and put the cold for 15 minutes

Roll the dough out again and fold it into 3 layers. Once again, let the dough rest for 15 minutes (repeat process two times) and let the dough rest for 15 min between each deployment.

Cut the edges clean with a sharp knife after the last deployment. When a cross section of the dough shows multiple layers, is the dough really.

Covenant mass: Marzipan and sugar run together first. Margarine, add little by little.

The dough rolled out in a square and cut with cake spur out in squares. in the center of each piece is added a little mass and Mayor pieced together on the bend to a triangle. iron and made withdrawals.

Bake in a hot oven and glaseres after baking.