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Tomato Bread

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Tomato Bread

Ciabatta bread (letbagt from iThink or bakersfield)
Coarse salt
Olive oil

Instructions for Tomato Bread

To prepare the Tomato Bread recipe, please follow these instructions:

Garlic and spices are encountered in a mortar. Olive oil is added and bumped with.

Tomatoes are chopped well, the bread is flattered and brushed. The bread is baked approx. 5 min. On indirect heat (using a breadcrumb for about 10 min on indirect).

The bread is taken out and the chopped tomatoes are laid on and sprinkled with the thyme. Rough salt sprinkle immediately before the bread is baked again. The bread is now baked approx. 10 minutes of indirect heat. Cut out and served as a snack or accessory.

The bread used here is only suggestions that can also be used for your coloring bread. Evergreen bread is also useful, to make the bread extra delicious, grated mozzarella or sesame can be sprinkled (but not together)