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Pizza with Salami, Salad and Dressing

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 2

Ingredients for Pizza with Salami, Salad and Dressing

Pizza cheese everything from ordinary household cheese for mozzarella
1tbspOlive oil
1tbspTomato puree
20gYeast (about a quarter of a packet of yeast)
300gWheat flour

Instructions for Pizza with Salami, Salad and Dressing

To prepare the Pizza with Salami, Salad and Dressing recipe, please follow these instructions:

Pizza Dej: Bring all the ingredients into a large bowl, remember to crumble the yeast. Dough the eggs with small portions of water and raise for 45 minutes.

Turn on the oven 250 degrees C. alm. Oven so it's getting hot.

Tomatsovs: all the ingredients are blended and blended to an even mass. Then pour the pulp into a small pot and boil for about 3 minutes. Tomatsovsen is now ready to get on the pizza dough

Roll the dough and hit the hot pan. (Remember baking paper)
Tomato sauce is distributed on the pizza bottom (half of the sauce is used to be plentiful for a pizza). Then spread the grated cheese and then the salami pieces. You can also add olives, onions, peppers, mushrooms, brocolli or whatever you have in the fridge, there are no limits :)
Now bring the pizza to the bottom of the oven until all the cheese is melted and both the dough and the cheese get a brownish cut (about 10-15min)
If in doubt you can lift a little at the bottom and it is slightly brown down, the pizza is 100% ready.

When the pizza is taken out, decorate it with salad and dressing (I prefer cremefraiche dressing). And it could be cucumbers, tomato, freshly chopped onions, salad leaves, whatever you want!

Enjoy :)