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Pakistani Chapati

Bread, buns & biscuits
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4 pcs

Ingredients for Pakistani Chapati

A good dl water
250gWhite flour (atta flour is really chapati/best)

Instructions for Pakistani Chapati

To prepare the Pakistani Chapati recipe, please follow these instructions:

Mix it all together and split the dough into 4 bowls. Form them into small pancakes and roll them out on the flour board until they are thin and approx. 20 cm in diameter. Bake on a dry forehead. Oil enough in the dough - otherwise brush a little oil on the forehead. While baking it on the forehead, turn and press lightly. Turn over and repeat until the bread is baked. Keep the bread warm in a cloth in a basket or something else. The bread is usually used as a "knife and fork" ... it is torn in smaller pieces and used to shovel rice and other good things into the mouth.