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Mørbrad ala Faster

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 6

Ingredients for Mørbrad ala Faster

0.5packagePiquant cream cheese (yellow)
1packageBacon (sliced or diced)
1Large onion
2pcsPork Tenderloin (about 1 kg)
4dl38% cream

Instructions for Mørbrad ala Faster

To prepare the Mørbrad ala Faster recipe, please follow these instructions:

Mushrooms, onions and apples (peeled) cut into suitable pieces. Same with bacon if bought in slices.

The pork tenderloin is cleaned and cut into suitable slices. They then brown on a forehead (just brownish superficially, not to be finished). They then come into an ovenproof dish.

On the same pan, the bacon is first fry until it is well fried. Then add onions, apples and mushrooms and they are cooked for a couple of minutes. Then pour the cream (depending on how much sauce you want) and cream cheese over and simmer for a few minutes. It is now salted, pepper and a little sugar.

The sleeping bag is now poured over the meat in the dish, which is now placed in the oven at 200 degrees. Here it should stand for 20-25 minutes.

While in the oven, you can put the rice to boil so it suits you.

This dish is becoming a classic with us, my boyfriend and I refer to it as "The perfect dish";) The quantities are a bit by accident and can of course be varied according to taste.