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Homemade puff pastry

Base recipes
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Homemade puff pastry

1tspBaking soda
250gWheat flour
250gButter or margarine

Instructions for Homemade puff pastry

To prepare the Homemade puff pastry recipe, please follow these instructions:

Sieve flour, baking powder and salt together a few times. Mix water and vinegar and pour into the flour. The dough is kneaded tough and elastic. The rolled out on melstrøet Board of ½ cm thick flat, ca. 40 x 25 cm. Ice cold butter, chop finely and added thinly sliced on 2/3 of the dough. up to 2 cm from the outer edges. The part without butter is folded over, so half of the butter covered. The batter with the butter is folded into visible, so the dough without butter is in the middle. The dough rolled thin out to an oblong square again, as before, be folded again in 3 layers, rotated a half lap and rolled out again. This is repeated, so we all get 9 layers. The dough is added cold between udrulningerne, if it starts to "suck up". The added cold after the last deployment, to the butter is completely solidified.

It can save several weeks in refrigerator.

Rolled out puff pastry should always be cut out for the different cakes with a sharp knife, so dejlagene can stand up during baking. The cakes are lightly greased plates or with greaseproof paper. Brush dough with beaten egg together sometimes. Since one must avoid basting all the way to the edge, so dejlagene binds together. Puff pastry is made always in preheated oven at 225 °.