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Homemade pistachio lot/pistachio marzipan

Base recipes
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Homemade pistachio lot/pistachio marzipan

2tbspOrange flower or rose water
500gPistacier or raw peeled almonds
50-100gIcing sugar

Instructions for Homemade pistachio lot/pistachio marzipan

To prepare the Homemade pistachio lot/pistachio marzipan recipe, please follow these instructions:

Put pistacierne in a heat-proof platter. Then put in the oven at 120 degrees c. alm. oven for 10 minutes. Take them out and put them on a tea towel. Gently rub the nuts in the Tea towel, then all the Brown membranes disappears. If you use almonds over poured the water and stand in the water to medkogende they are easy to slip, if necessary. they must have a trip to.

Boil the sugar with the water and let it boil up into a thick syrup. If it crystalizes poured a bit more water in, for it is dissolved. Dear nuts through a kødmaskine or in smaller portions in food processor along with the torrid syrup (a kødmaskine gets hot). It takes two times through kødmaskinen, in food processor just to run it is level and smooth.

Keel mass and knead with perfumed water and powdered sugar for consistency, and how sweet you want the mass.

Pistachio marzipan used as all other Marzipan, but the special attractive color makes it begs to be used for something special, and it need not be the goose breast or kermit cakes.

There is much less sugar in the homemade, than in buy Marzipan, then one can well afford to use plenty of powdered sugar when it is to be rolled out. This is done most easily between two pieces of wax paper.

There is a prerequisite for making marzipan on a food processor, and it is to the knife is sharp. Without a food processor, you can do it with a kødmaskine where you are running nuts and sugar through the fine disc a few times until it is uniform.