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Grape juice II

Drinks (cold)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1

Ingredients for Grape juice II


Instructions for Grape juice II

To prepare the Grape juice II recipe, please follow these instructions:

Rinse and grab the grapes with a large spoonful, bottle (with bottom) or a potato moss. All grapes must be mashed, as it is the taste and the color sits.

The whole is boiled by low heat for approx. 15 minutes after which the mixture is drained in a sieve with a clean cloth.

Bring the pure juice to the boil and add sugar. If the sugar is to act as a preservative, use 750 g. Sugar / liter of juice.
If the juice is to be drunk within one week or for freezing, then 300-400 grams of sugar / liter of juice (depending on taste - if the juice is to be "light", do not completely sugar or use any sugary tablets)

Get the juice in bottles. Remember that the bottles must be rinsed with boiling water before the juice comes in!

The juice can be flavored with lime / lemon juice. The juice is very concentrated and you can mix it 1/3 with water. (Again-find out how you like it). If you want a mild juice, you can easily use a mechanical juicer, but in this case you need more grapes to get the same amount of juice as some will be lost.