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English Muffins 02

Breakfast & brunch
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for English Muffins 02

1tbspButter or margarine
450gWheat flour

Instructions for English Muffins 02

To prepare the English Muffins 02 recipe, please follow these instructions:

You can now and then buy English Muffins in Denmark in packages, but in the United States, you can always get them in supermarkets. You can also bake them yourself. It's a little winded, but worth the effort when it once has come to appreciate this special kind of bread. Bring one decilitre of water to boil and mix it with milk, salt, sugar and butter in a large bagefad. Let it cool until it is lukewarm. Dissolve the yeast in half the decilitre water also must be lukewarm. Came the dissolved yeast and 300 g flour into milk mixture and stir thoroughly. Tires bagefadet with a clean Tea towel and allow to raise in a warm place until the dough gets twice the size (about an hour). Add the rest of the flour and stir well. Deck again with tea towel and let dough raise even an hour. Sprinkle generously flour on a piece of wax paper and Pat the dough out to about 1 1/2 cm thickness. Cut it out into round pieces, about 8 cm in diameter, with a glass or a cake defines. The dough is a little sticky and difficult to handle, but practice makes perfect. Deck the carved pieces once again with a tea towel, and let them raise to the next double size. Behind them on a greased pretty hot pan, approx. 15 minutes on each side; Bake 5 minutes on the first side and turn. Behind the other side 15 minutes and turn over and give first page the last 10 minutes. Set the heat down if muffinerne becomes too quickly Brown. Cool and part muffinerne in two parts with a fork and grate in a toaster. Before roasting is muffinerne brittle exterior, but "spongy" inside. English Muffins can be frozen. Served with butter and jam or Eggs Benedict.