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Deep fried pineapple with rum

Desserts (warm)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Deep fried pineapple with rum

150gWheat flour
2dlApple wine
2Egg whites

Instructions for Deep fried pineapple with rum

To prepare the Deep fried pineapple with rum recipe, please follow these instructions:

Apple wine, salt, sugar and melted butter mix. Sieve the flour in the dough and stir smooth. Let the dough stand 30 min. Dry væden of ananasringene and put them in the rum for at least 30 min. Whip whites until stiff and turn them into the dough. Ananasringene reversed now in flour before being dipped in batter and deep fry 3-4 minutes at 180 degrees until golden.

Served with vanilieis or cold vaniliecreme.