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Bosnian Cherry Cake

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Bosnian Cherry Cake

1tbspIcing sugar
2tspSweet powdered or 3 tablespoons perfect strew
3Plates fillodej
400gCherry without stone

Instructions for Bosnian Cherry Cake

To prepare the Bosnian Cherry Cake recipe, please follow these instructions:

2 of dejpladerne brush with 1 tablespoon melted butter/olimargarine. the 3 plates fillodej added in 3 layers with melted butter in a while (like a pie) cherries and bread crumbs are distributed on the dough. sugar and sweetener sprinkled on. the dough is rolled along like a roulade and put on a baking sheet with wax paper. the rest of the butter is melted and swabbed at fillodejen. rouladen Bake at 150 degrees on nedderste Groove in the oven for about 25 minutes when the cake is cut out sprinkled it with sifted powdered sugar.