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Asks (Turkish flatbread)

Bread, buns & biscuits
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 bread

Ingredients for Asks (Turkish flatbread)

a littleSugar
1Egg yolk
1tspOlive oil
30gSesame seeds
500gWheat flour

Instructions for Asks (Turkish flatbread)

To prepare the Asks (Turkish flatbread) recipe, please follow these instructions:

Dissolve the yeast in half of the lukewarm water with a little sugar. Term the flour into a bowl, add the salt and yeast and stir it all well together.

Add the lukewarm water, and even the last knead the dough until it is light and flexible and easily release the hands. Let dough raise covered in a warm place for at least 20 minutes.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Form the dough into a round flat bread on a meldrysset Workbench. Press it a little more flat at the Center. Dip a finger into the oil and make a window pattern on the surface. – place the loaf on a greased flat plate.

Stir egg yolk, olive oil and 1 tsp. sugar together and brush the bread with it. Sprinkle sesame seeds over. Bake loaf approximately 20 minutes in the oven until flat bread is browned.