Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Margerine/butter

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Milk Yeast ...

Deck the yeast with the sugar and let it stand for the yeast has "dissolved". Melt margerinen/crooked. Margerine/butter mix with the milk so that it achieves a hand warm temperature and mix it with yeast and sugar. Beat the two eggs and mix them in flour in Tu

Mains Dressing (by choice) (user even garlic dresseing) Peper Pita bread ...

cut flank steak out in medium-sized cubes. Brown them in a pan together with margerine, kebab seasoning, salt and peper. Squeeze the garlic and put it down together with salt and peper. Stir it well to the meat is completely browned. Then fill the Pan halfway

Mains Wheat flour Curry Lots of vegetables (brocolli. guleroedder. pumpkins. sweet potatoes. alm. potatoes. squach etc) ...

hoenen cutting raw in appropriate pieces that reversed in flour mixed with salt and pepper. fat and curry powder is melted and FRY for a few minutes. meat pieces cooked Brown herein a few pieces at a time. onions and sauté for five minutes before the soup vege