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Recipes with Lamb hearts

Mains Jævning Potatoes Pepper ...

'S lammehjertene for blood residue, and rub them into the coarse salt and sprinkle a little pepper on. Brown them in a good thick-bottomed pan in medium heat. When they are good Brown, met buillonen in, and there met a mini trangia. They need to Pan fry in ½ h

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Marjoram ...

Wash and clean the hearts. Heat the olive oil and Brown hearts well. Came the breadcrumbs, butter, celery, onion, Sage, marjoram, salt and pepper in a bowl, and mix the ingredients together well. Came the mixture in the hearts and the hollowed-out apples. Plac

Mains Cayenne pepper Chili Pepper ...

Chopped onions and mushrooms sliced Sauté in the oil. The hearts be cleansed of grease, etc., cut into thin "both" and Brown in oil. Sliced carrots and chopped tomatoes in and the whole småsimrer approx. ½ hour. The cream is poured in, Cook with and season