Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Kyllingfilet, diced

Mains Pepper Cream Salt ...

Pil onion, peel the apples and cut them into the tern. Sweat curry in the margarine. The apples and onions come in. After 3 min. Enter the meat, sprinkle the flour and stir until it is mixed. The water is added. Shall bite for approx. 20-30 min. Then the cre

Mains 1 pk. bacon cubes (roasted on a frying pan) A little chilli if you want the right slightly strong Pepper ...

Brown chicken in oil. Add the remaining ingredients and let the small simmer 45-60 minutes. season with salt and pepper. Served with Mexican rice Came chilli and cumin in the water when you boil the rice)