Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Koghedt butter

Desserts (warm) Almond splitter Grated lemon peel Salt ...

The eggs are whipped with the flour. Combine boiled butter and milk. Add the dough with salt, sugar, vanilla and fried lemon peel. The pancakes are baked very thin on a hedge pan. Only butter the forehead first. Should it be Crêpes Suzette, turn the panc

Desserts (warm) Grated lemon peel Salt Sugar ...

8 eggs whipped with 125 g flour. Mix 200 g koghedt butter and therein 3/4 l of milk. The dough tasted with salt, sugar, vanilla and grated lemon zest. Bake the pancakes very thin on a hot frying pan. Butter the pan the first time only. Crêpes Suzette, must be