Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Buttermilk or junket

Cold cuts Caraway chives or other spices Buttermilk or junket ...

2 litres of Buttermilk or yogurt is heated slowly under omrørinq to approx. 7 OC degrees C, and stands until it is cold. Then pour it through a cloth in a colander, and stands for the whey has run off. It must stand until it is so clear that it can stay in sha

Bread, buns & biscuits Ready-made mashed potatoes Finely chopped pomeranskal if necessary. anise or fennel Boiling water ...

Mix the mashed potatoes and milk in a bowl. Crumble the yeast in and add salt, syrup and pomeranskal. (If you would like to have the bread also added spicy anise and fennel to taste). Add the rugmelet and knead wheat flour in little by little until the dough i