Recipes with Balsamic vinegar
The raccola is cleaned and placed in a wreath on the plates. The tomatoes are cut into slices and the cheese is "stalled out" with a glass (for round slices). Place tomato and cheese around the inside of the wreath and decorate with basil. Stir the dressing fo
Boil the artichokes in salted water with lemon slices for 20-25 minutes. Let them cool off in a sieve. Pour cognac over the raisins and set them aside.
Heat greasy well through a saucepan and add purified duck liver, salt, pepper, bay leaf and thyme. Steps
The salad is only dangerous if you confuse the wild quench with the deadly poisonous herd (this has red spots on the stem!). All roots are cooked in two wells of salt water (otherwise they are quite bitter). The cooked roots and leaves are cut and mixed with o
Lay the flour in a bowl on the kitchen table and make a recess in the middle. Turn the eggs and egg yolks out into the groin one at a time and whip them a little with a fork for 1-2 minutes. Bring some of the flour into the egg yolks and knead it gra
Potatoes are put into boiling water with a little salt. The backbone spades off and the ribs are brushed off. Sprinkle the meat and brown on the hot pan, season with salt, pepper, juniper and thyme. Stir in oven at 200 c. Approx. 13 min and let pull before ser
Recipe categories
- Appetizers 1338
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- Lunch (to go) 146
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- Dressing 302
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- Cakes in form 2822
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