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Veal with tuna sauce (Vitello Tonnato Piedmont)

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4 portion(s)

Ingredients for Veal with tuna sauce (Vitello Tonnato Piedmont)

Freshly ground pepper
1stemLeaf celery
1Bay leaf
1canTuna without oil (150 g)
2tbspWhite wine vinegar
2dlOlive oil
2Unsprayed lemons
2.5dlDry white wine
3Egg yolks
3Marinated anchovy fillets (El. kippers)
600gCalf lump or inner thighs

Instructions for Veal with tuna sauce (Vitello Tonnato Piedmont)

To prepare the Veal with tuna sauce (Vitello Tonnato Piedmont) recipe, please follow these instructions:

Calves of the root ball out in a pan, white wine is poured in. Celery, carrot and onion chopped coarsely and place in marinade, along with laurblærblad and spicy neliker. It all pulls, covered in 24 hours. The meat turned over some times. It added so much water that the meat just covered, and bring it to a boil. 1 tsp. Salt sprinkled in. It boil at low heat button 1 hour without lid. Let the meat cool in the liquid.

Let drain tuna, anchovy fillets rinse, wipe with paper towel and cut into small pieces. Tuna, anchovies, egg yolks and 2 tablespoons. Capers are blended nicely in the mixer, together with the juice of lemon and 1/2 vineddiken, little by little, add several tablespoons. veal soup and ca. 2 part olive oil. It all blended into a viscous sauce and season with salt and pepper. veal cut into slices as thin as possible and anretts on a platter. They are covered evenly with tuna sauce, cold under the guise and pulls the 3-4 hours.

To server no cut the rest of citgronerne in thin slices, and veal garneres with this. 1 tbsp. Capers sprinkled over.

Important: serve cooled, there plenty of wheat bread.

The sauce should be smooth, nicely creamy and not been too thick. It may be diluted with veal soup, to achieve the right consistency.