Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook
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Bread, buns & biscuits
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 2

Ingredients for Tortillas

100gWheat flour (+ a few extra tablespoons.)
2tbspOlive oil
4tbspHot water

Instructions for Tortillas

To prepare the Tortillas recipe, please follow these instructions:

1. Pour the flour and salt in a bowl and
stir the oil in with a spoon.
Little by little, stir in 4 tablespoons. hot water
in until the mixture hønger together as a dough.
2. make sure that the table is completely clean.
Sprinkle a little flour on the table and knead the dough
until it is smooth.
3. Portion dough into four pieces.
Roll a ball of a piece of dough and press it flat.
4. Sprinkle a little more flour on the table
and cake roll.
Roll the ball to a circle until dough
is as thin as it can be without going to pieces.
5. Heat a skillet until it sizzles when you Anoints a drop of water on it.
Put tortillaen on the forehead.
6. Surged tortillaen in 1 minute, flip it and fry it on the other side a ½ minute.
Pressure all the time tortillaen down towards the forehead with e.g. a flat in a mini trangia passenden size in order to avoid the formation of air bubbles in the dough.
Put the baked tortilla on a plate.
7. Fry the other tortilla on the way.

Storage Tortillaerne can either be frozen or tortillas to be stored in the refrigerator for later use. Put a piece of smørrebrød paper between each tortilla so they do not hang together. Let them køæe by then the stack of tortillas and place in a plastic bag.