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Thick pancakes with revlsben a la Ladipo

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 10 portion(s)

Ingredients for Thick pancakes with revlsben a la Ladipo

1200gRoast pork without bones
20Santa maria wheat tortillas 8

Instructions for Thick pancakes with revlsben a la Ladipo

To prepare the Thick pancakes with revlsben a la Ladipo recipe, please follow these instructions:

Boil ribbenstegen in 50 min Take the legs off. The piece is cut into slices, Brown lightly on the forehead. Fold tortillaerne with a fried slice of meat and put them layered in a tray. Brushed with melted fat and warmed by 160 ° in approx. 20 min.

Served masked with syrup.

It was around the turn of the century the finest kind of pancakes on Lyø.