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Split pork tenderloin with mustard and herbs

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Split pork tenderloin with mustard and herbs

Flat-leaf parsley-cilantro-oregano-Sage-Basil
Dijon mustard
Fresh herbs: eg
Oil like an aromatic oil
1Pork Tenderloin

Instructions for Split pork tenderloin with mustard and herbs

To prepare the Split pork tenderloin with mustard and herbs recipe, please follow these instructions:

The loin is cut up and lubricated with oil and filled with mustard and herbs. Then there are laces tenderloin back together with string.

The loin must have approximately 35 minutes on the grill during the frequent reversal. Tenderloin is pretty fat and therefore becoming dry, therefore it must either be filled with something or be marinated well before grilling.

The above can also be supplemented with feta (some of it with taste-not Arla), or chopped olives.