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Parfaitis with pecans

Desserts (cold)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4 portion(s)

Ingredients for Parfaitis with pecans

0.5Vanilla pod
4Egg yolks
5tbspIcing sugar

Instructions for Parfaitis with pecans

To prepare the Parfaitis with pecans recipe, please follow these instructions:

Stir egg yolks with powdered sugar and add the udskrabede grain from vanillestangen. Whip it good together. Grate pecannødderne easy in a frying pan and grovhak them. (they can also be crushed and soaked in rum or brandy.) Add the nuts in æggesnapsen and came so cream foam in flush a rim mould with cold water and ice came therein. Style it in freezer 2-3 hours and parfaiten is ready for serving.

Server if necessary. the ice bedecked with finely grated chocolate.