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Oven-fried revlsben from Stevns (Revelsben)

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Oven-fried revlsben from Stevns (Revelsben)

kgFresh streaky pork without rind
20-25Stenfri prunes
2-3largeTart apples (such as bele the boskop)

Instructions for Oven-fried revlsben from Stevns (Revelsben)

To prepare the Oven-fried revlsben from Stevns (Revelsben) recipe, please follow these instructions:

Battle it out cut out to revlben (you can probably get your butcher to) and attached side-by-side in a baking pan, sprinkled with salt and put at the bottom of an approximately 275 degrees hot oven. The apples are washed, shared and freed from cored. They should not be peeled off, just cut into both. When revlbenene has fried an hour's time, the apples and prunes in saucepan and fry with the rest of the time. Revlsbenene to cook at least 2 hours in total, and they must be reversed quite a few times during frying, as they will be the same Brown on all sides. Sveskerne should be reversed when the meat will be reversed, so they don't fry dry on one side. If it seemed, accumulating a bit too much fat in the roasting pan, you can pour it off and instead add a little water. These revlsben must, as I have already mentioned, be very tender and dark brown when they are finished, and most of the fat must be done by. They can easily be fried ahead of time and warmed up in the oven, just before they are to be eaten. It's time to just pour a little extra water at and the warming should fåregå at low temperature.