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Mocha parfait

Desserts (cold)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 10 portion(s)

Ingredients for Mocha parfait

240Dark chocolatiers
6Egg yolks
6Egg whites

Instructions for Mocha parfait

To prepare the Mocha parfait recipe, please follow these instructions:

The egg yolks and sugar, beat white over a water bath. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate, when the egg mixture has turned into a fine lather, add nescaffen and the melted chocolate. where after the cream will be whipped into a cream (not whipped cream), it add about 1/10 part of flædeskummen coffee/egg mixture and beat again until it is been assembled and breezy. where after the rest of the whipped cream is added. to the last, beat the egg whites to a foam and reversed in parfait mass, and filled into molds and set on frost in approximately 4-5 hours