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Bread, buns & biscuits
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4 pcs

Ingredients for Lyrsätersbrød

Dough 1 (leaven)
Hot water
2.25dlWholemeal rye flour
20dlRugsigtemel or wheat flour
4dlChopped rye kernels
7dlWheat bran

Instructions for Lyrsätersbrød

To prepare the Lyrsätersbrød recipe, please follow these instructions:

Warm the milk, until it is hand warm (37º). Crumble the yeast and stir until it is dissolved. Add rye flour and salt. Stir it to a smooth dough. Cover the bowl with plastic film and allow it to stand at room temperature for a couple of days, until the dough is well sour.

Boil the cores in the water and leave it as warm as possible for a few days. If you want to rinse the rye flour, pour water (about 1 liter), which the rodent kernels have not absorbed, put into boil and pour over rye flour and salt. Mix well and rest for a few hours.

Stir and eat the sourdough with rye kernels, the scalloped rye flour and bran. Put the dough in a relatively warm place for the next day.

The dough should preferably have raised a lot, otherwise you can help it by stirring extra yeast into a little water and knead it into the dough with sirup and cream flour. The dough must be smooth and let go of the bowl. Then eat it on the baking table and divide it into four pieces. Roll each portion into a smooth, long bread without cracks. Lay the loaves in lubricated molds, approx. 1½ L, and allow them to raise to a small double size.

Bake in the bottom of the oven at 200º approx. 1 hour. Brush with hot water just before taking out.

Good and moist bread, as it takes a few days to bake, but it is worth the effort. The finished bread should be rolled into a dish to maintain its moisture. Wait to cut the bread for a few days after it is baked.